Amy Winehouse Pretty 01

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Amy Winehouse Pretty Photos

Doctors told Amy Winehouse, a popular soul singer; today that she has the lung condition emphysema. Amy Winehouse has emphysema, make no mistake that is serious. In addition to the recommendation to stop smoking, doctors have also advised her about her nutrition program as well.

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Amy Winehouse Pretty Photos

Maintain a moderate fat diet with an emphasis on healthy fats such as omega-3's since omega-3 fats like fish oil have been linked to the reduction of lung cancer.

amy winehouse pretty

Amy Winehouse Pretty Photos

Reduce her blood sugar levels and keep them under control. This can be accomplished by eating fibrous carbohydrates like oatmeal as opposed to traditional carbs like bread and pasta. Since insulin is the only hormone that we can directly control, the Grammy award winners doctors have told her to keep her blood sugar low which will keep her bodyfat low and control her emphysema.

amy winehouse pretty

Amy Winehouse Pretty Photos

Go on a short-term fasting diet to cleanse the liver and kidneys of any toxins that may be present. Cleanses the liver is the first thing that anyone with emphysema should look to do. Nutrients such as green tea, nac and grape seed extract all ha fantastic research about there abilities cleanse the liver.

amy winehouse pretty

Amy Winehouse Pretty Photos

Eat plenty of foods that contain vitamin A and E. Generally you'll find that that yellow vegetables like squash and yellow peppers have the highest amounts of vitamin A and E but you can also get them through nutritional supplements as well.

amy winehouse pretty

Amy Winehouse Pretty Photos

Doctors have also advised Amy to treat her emphysema with supplements such as vitamin e, vitamin a, zinc, magnesium, copper and flaxseed oil.

amy winehouse pretty

Amy Winehouse Pretty Photos

Garlic is another supplement and food that anyone with emphysema should pay attention to. Not only are garlic anti-bacterial but it also increases liver health and helps the liver to clear out toxins. Any smoker will have higher amount of man made estrogen in their body. Now when the liver attempts to detoxify that estrogen, it turns it into some pretty nasty toxins. That isn't a good thing. So on top of healthy antioxidants like vitamin e, green tea and ala, garlic helps clear the liver and deal the progression of emphysema.

amy winehouse pretty

Amy Winehouse Pretty Photos

amy winehouse pretty

Amy Winehouse Pretty Photos